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更新时间:2023-03-08 点击量:977


Gas sampling pump kit School science teaching equipmentGV-50P-2S

GV-50P-2 1.jpg


GASTEC's gas detector tube system makes it possible to accurately measure vapour concentration levels, and slight changes in the concentration level, something that was not possible before.


“50▲▲" 或“10▲" 印刷在手柄的每一侧作为引导标记。对齐“10▲" 31E-2氧气检测管和“50▲▲" 用红线标记其他检测管。

GV-50P-2 3.jpg

New Type of Gas Sampling Pump

Either “50▲▲" or “10▲" is printed on each side of the handle as a guide mark. Align the “10▲" guide mark for the 31E-2 Oxygen detector tube and the “50▲▲" guide mark for other detector tubes with the red line.


Types and Applications of Detector Tubes

Substance to be measuredTube No.Measuring rangeApplication
Carbon monoxideCO1EL25-400ppmThe air in a class room is investigated using combustion apparatus. (Carbon monoxide will be produced due to imperfect combustion). The environmental influence of CO contained in the exhaust fumes of an  is investigated.
Carbon dioxideCO22EL0.03-1%The air in a class room is investigated using combustion apparatus, and/or the difference between sources of fresh air and stale air. Changes in the concentration of CO2 caused by the breathing of soil, cells and photosynthesis of plants are investigated.
Carbon dioxideCO22EH0.5-8%Changes in the concentration of CO2 in the air caused by the respiration of humans and animals, and the photosynthesis of plants, are investigated. Changes in the concentration of CO2 in the air caused by the combustion of organic substances (chemical reactions) are investigated.
AmmoniaNH33EL2.5-60ppmNH3 one of the causes of foul smells generated in an animal-breeding house or a communal lavatory, is investigated. NH3 produced in a production experiment is confirmed. Changes in NH3 by a chemical reaction are investigated.
Hydrogen sulphideH2S4EL10-120ppmH2S, one of the causes of foul smells generated in an animal-breeding house, a communal lavatory, a hot-spring resort or a volcanic zone, etc., is investigated.
Sulphur dioxideSO25EC2-40ppmA chemical reaction in which SO2 is produced by combustion of sulphur containing coal and crude oil is investigated.
ChlorineCl28EL1-16ppmCl2 in a collecting experiment is investigated. Changes in Cl2 by a chemical reaction are investigated.
Nitrogen oxidesNOX11EL1-20ppmContamination in a class room where combustion apparatus is in use is investigated. The environmental influence of NOX in the exhaust fumes of an car are investigated.
OzoneO318EL0.5-10ppmO3 produced in an ozonator and a steriliser is investigated.
OxygenO231E6-24%Changes in the concentration of oxygen caused by human and animal respiration, and the photosynthesis of plants are investigated. Change in oxygen by combustion (chemical reaction) is investigated.
Oxygen NEWO231E-27-23%Changes in the concentration of oxygen caused by human and animal respiration, and the photosynthesis of plants are investigated. Change in oxygen by combustion (chemical reaction) is investigated.


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